
Using Audi Swicher for My Computer and Consols

Estimator arrangement for running video games

A collection of diverse archetype video game consoles at a game evidence in 2010.

A video game console is an electronic device that outputs a video bespeak or image to display a video game that tin exist played with a game controller. These may be home consoles which are generally placed in a permanent location continued to a goggle box or other display device and controlled with a separate game controller, or handheld consoles that include their own display unit and controller functions built into the unit of measurement and can be played anywhere. Hybrid consoles combine elements of both home and handheld consoles.

Video game consoles are a specialized form of a home computer geared towards video game playing, designed with affordability and accessibility to the full general public in mind, but lacking in raw computing power and customization. Simplicity is achieved in function through the utilize of game cartridges or other simplified means of distribution, easing the attempt of launching a game. However, this leads to ubiquitous proprietary formats that creates contest for market share.[ane] More recent consoles have shown further confluence with home computers, making it easy for developers to release games on multiple platforms. Further, modernistic consoles tin can serve equally replacements for media players with capabilities to playback films and music from optical media or streaming media services.

Video game consoles are usually sold on a v-seven year cycle called a generation, with consoles fabricated with similar technical capabilities or made effectually the same time menses grouped into the generations. The industry has developed a razorblade model for selling consoles at depression profit or at a loss while making revenue on the licensing fees for each game sold, with planned obsolescence to draw consumers into the next console generation. While numerous manufacturers take come and gone in the history of the console market, in that location take always been two or iii ascendant leaders in the market, with the current market led by Sony (with their PlayStation brand), Microsoft (with their Xbox make), and Nintendo (currently producing the Switch panel and its lightweight derivative).

History [edit]

The showtime video game consoles emerged in the early 1970s. Ralph H. Baer devised the concept of playing simple spot-based games on a television set screen in 1966, which later became the footing of the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. Inspired by the table lawn tennis game on the Odyssey, Nolan Bushnell, Ted Dabney, and Allan Alcorn at Atari, Inc. developed the first successful arcade game, Pong, and looked to develop that into a home version, which was released in 1975. The first consoles were defended to only a set group of games congenital into the hardware. Programmable consoles using swappable ROM cartridges were introduced with the Fairchild Channel F in 1976 though popularized with the Atari 2600 released in 1977.

Handheld consoles emerged from technology improvements in handheld electronic games every bit these shifted from mechanical to electronic/digital logic, and abroad from calorie-free-emitting diode (LED) indicators to liquid-crystal displays (LCD) that resembled video screens more closely, with the Microvision in 1979 and Game & Spotter in 1980 being early examples, and fully realized by the Game Boy in 1989.

Since the 1970s, both dwelling and handheld consoles became more advanced following global changes in technology, including improved electronic and computer chip manufacturing to increase computational power at lower costs and size, the introduction of 3D graphics and hardware-based graphic processors for existent-fourth dimension rendering, digital communications such as the Cyberspace, wireless networking and Bluetooth, and larger and denser media formats as well equally digital distribution. Following the aforementioned type of Moore's police progression, domicile consoles were grouped into generations, each lasting approximately five years, with consoles within each sharing similar technology specifications and features such as processor word size. While at that place is no standard definition or breakdown of home consoles by generation,[2] the definition of these generations used by Wikipedia including representative consoles is shown beneath.

Overview of the console generations, including generation overlaps. Major consoles of each generation are given for each.

Types [edit]

There are primarily three types of video game consoles: Abode consoles, handhelds, and hybrid consoles.

  • Home video game consoles are devices that are generally meant to be continued to a television or other blazon of monitor, and with power supplied through an outlet, thus requiring the unit to be used in fixed locations, typically at domicile in one'due south living room. Separate game controllers, connected through wired or wireless connections, are used to provide input to the game. Early examples include the Atari 2600, the Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Sega Genesis, while newer examples include the Wii U, the PlayStation iv, and the Xbox One. Specific types of home consoles include:
    • Microconsoles, home consoles which lack comparable computing power of domicile consoles released at the same period, and thus are mostly less expensive. A common course of microconsole are based on Android or iOS mobile software, allowing the consoles to access the respective library of games for those platforms, too as features such as cloud gaming. These consoles also typically include support for other apps available for the underlying operating organisation, including those that supported video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, making microconsoles also compete in the same space equally "over-the-top" media providers that aimed to serve content direct to the living room goggle box.[three] Such consoles include the Ouya, the Nvidia Shield and Apple tree Television.[4]
    • Plug and play consoles, specialized versions of microconsoles that come with a fixed choice of games on the system and do not give the consumer whatsoever power to add together more games. These are considered dedicated consoles for this reason, though tech-savvy consumers often have constitute ways to hack the console to install additional functionality onto information technology, voiding the manufacturers' warranty. The units usually come with the console unit, i or more than controllers, and the required components for power and video hookup. Many of the contempo releases have been for distributing a number of retro games for a specific console platform. Examples of these include the Atari Flashback series, the NES Classic Edition, and the Sega Genesis Mini.[five]
    • Handheld TV games, specialized plug-and-play consoles where the panel unit itself serves as its own controller then that the consumer simply connects the device to their television set and to a power source, or in some cases, are battery-powered.[5] Co-ordinate to video game historian Frank Cifaldi, these systems gained popularity around 2003 as they were cheap to industry and were relatively inexpensive at The states$xx−xxx each by manufacturers such as Jakks Pacific. However, they as well led to a surge of models that used counterfeit Nintendo chips manufactured in China, creating too many clones that could easily be tracked.[6]
  • Handheld video game consoles are devices that typically include a built-in screen and game controller features into its example, and contain a rechargeable battery or battery compartment. This allows the unit to exist carried around and tin exist played anywhere. Examples of such include the Game Male child, the PlayStation Portable, and the Nintendo 3DS.
  • Hybrid video game consoles are devices which can be used either as a handheld or as a abode panel, with either a wired connection or docking station that connects the console unit to a television set screen and fixed power source, and the potential to utilise a separate controller. While prior handhelds like the Sega Nomad and PlayStation Portable, or habitation consoles such as the Wii U, have had these features, some consider the Nintendo Switch to exist the first true hybrid console.[7] [8]

The PlayStation 2 habitation panel

The Apple TV microconsole and its controller

The Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Mini plug and play console and its two controllers

The Sony PlayStation Portable handheld panel

The Nintendo Switch hybrid console in its dock (right)

Most consoles are considered programmable consoles and have means for the thespian to switch between different games: this almost often can exist through a concrete game cartridge or game bill of fare or through optical media, or with the onset of digital distribution, via internal or external digital storage device with software downloaded via the Cyberspace through a dedicated storefront supported past the manufacturer of the console. Some consoles are considered dedicated consoles, in which games available for the console are "broiled" onto the hardware, either by beingness programmed via the circuitry or set in the read-only wink memory of the console, and cannot be added to or changed directly by the user. The user can typically switch between games on dedicated consoles using hardware switches on the console, or through in-game menus. Dedicated consoles were common in the start generation of habitation consoles, such as the Magnavox Odyssey and the home console version of Pong, and more recently have been used for retro-consoles such every bit the NES Classic Edition and Sega Genesis Mini.

Components [edit]

Console unit [edit]

Early console hardware was designed as customized printed circuit boards (PCB)s, selecting existing integrated circuit chips that performed known functions, or programmable chips like erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) fries that could perform certain functions. Persistent computer memory was expensive, so defended consoles were generally limited to the use of processor registers for storage of the state of a game, thus limiting the complexities of such titles. Pong in both its arcade and dwelling format had a handful of logic and adding chips that used the current input of the players' paddles and resisters storing the brawl'south position to update the game's state and sent to the display device.[9] Fifty-fifty with more advanced integrated circuits (IC)due south of the time, designers were express to what could be done through the electrical process rather than through programming equally normally associated with video game development.

Improvements in panel hardware followed with improvements in microprocessor engineering science and semiconductor device fabrication.[ten] Manufacturing processes accept been able to reduce the feature size on chips (typically measured in nanometers), assuasive more transistors and other components to fit on a bit, and at the same fourth dimension increasing the circuit speeds and the potential frequency the bit can run at, besides as reducing thermal dissipation. Fries were able to be made on larger dies, further increasing the number of features and effective processing ability. Random-admission retentiveness became more practical with the higher density of transistors per fleck, merely to address the correct blocks of retentiveness, processors needed to be updated to employ larger word sizes and allot for larger bandwidth in chip communications.[ten] All these improvements did increase the cost of manufacturing simply at a rate far less than the gains in overall processing power, which helped to make home computers and consoles inexpensive for the consumer, all related to Moore'south law of technological improvements.[ten]

For the consoles of the 1980s to 1990s, these improvements were evident in the marketing in the tardily 1980s to 1990s during the "fleck wars", where console manufacturers had focused on their console's processor's give-and-take size as a selling point.[11] Consoles since the 2000s are more similar to personal computers, building in retentiveness, storage features, and networking capabilities to avoid the limitations of the past.[12] The confluence with personal computers eased software evolution for both computer and panel games, assuasive developers to target both platforms. However, consoles differ from computers as most of the hardware components are preselected and customized between the console manufacturer and hardware component provider to assure a consistent performance target for developers. Whereas personal computer motherboards are designed with the needs for allowing consumers to add their desired selection of hardware components, the fixed set of hardware for consoles enables console manufacturers to optimize the size and design of the motherboard and hardware, often integrating key hardware components into the motherboard circuitry itself. Often, multiple components such as the key processing unit of measurement and graphics processing unit tin exist combined into a unmarried flake, otherwise known as a system on a flake (SoC), which is a further reduction in size and cost.[13] In addition, consoles tend to focus on components that give the unit loftier game performance such every bit the CPU and GPU, and equally a tradeoff to keep their prices in expected ranges, utilize less retention and storage infinite compared to typical personal computers.[xiv]

In comparison to the early on years of the manufacture, where well-nigh consoles were fabricated directly by the visitor selling the console, many consoles of today are more often than not constructed through a value chain that includes component suppliers, such equally AMD and NVidia for CPU and GPU functions, and contract manufacturers including electronics manufacturing services, factories which assemble those components into the final consoles such as Foxconn and Flextronics. Completed consoles are then usually tested, distributed, and repaired past the company itself.[xv] Microsoft and Nintendo both use this arroyo to their consoles, while Sony maintains all production in-house with exception of their component suppliers.

The Atari 2600 motherboard, with bones IC chips identified

The Sega Dreamcast motherboard, incorporating more complex IC circuitry

The PlayStation 3 motherboard, showing the utilize of Arrangement-on-a-Flake (SoC) via the Prison cell processor (silvery scrap, just correct-of-eye)

An opened first-generation Xbox panel and without the hard disc bulldoze and optical drive, showing components like the ability supply (far right), cooling fins, cooling fan, and case features

Some of the commons elements that tin be found within console hardware include:

The primary PCB that all of the chief chips, including the CPU, are mounted on.
A secondary PCB that connects to the motherboard that would be used for additional functions. These may include components that tin be easily replaced later on without having to replace the total motherboard.
Central processing unit of measurement (CPU)
The main processing chip on the console that performs most of the computational workload.
The consoles' CPU is more often than not defined past its give-and-take size (such as 8-flake or 64-bit), and its clock speed or frequency in hertz. For some CPUs, the clock speed can be variable in response to software needs. In general, larger discussion sizes and faster clock sizes indicate better performance, only other factors will affect the actual speed.
Another distinguishing characteristic for a console's CPU is the didactics set architecture. The instruction set defines low-level machine lawmaking to be sent to the CPU to reach specific results on the scrap. Differences in the instruction set architecture of CPU of consoles of a given generation can make for difficulty in software portability. This had been used by manufacturers to proceed software titles exclusive to their platform every bit one means to compete with others.[16] Consoles prior to the sixth generation typically used chips that the hardware and software developers were most familiar with, but as personal computers stabilized on the x86 architecture, console manufacturers followed adapt as to aid easily port games between reckoner and console.[17]
Newer CPUs may also feature multiple processing cores, which are also identified in their specification. Multi-core CPUs let for multithreading and parallel computing in modern games, such as 1 thread for managing the game's rendering engine, one for the game's physics engine, and another for evaluating the thespian's input.
Graphical processing unit (GPU)
The processing unit of measurement that performs rendering of data from the CPU to the video output of the console.
In the earlier console generations, this was more often than not limited to simple graphic processing routines, such every bit bitmapped graphics and manipulation of sprites, all otherwise involving integer mathematics while minimizing the amount of required memory needed to complete these routines, as memo. For case, the Atari 2600 used its ain Television Interface Adaptor that handled video and sound, while the Nintendo Entertainment Organisation used the Picture Processing Unit. For consoles, these GPUs were also designed to ship the bespeak in the proper analog formation to a cathode ray tv set, NTSC (used in Nihon and Northward America) or PAL (mostly used in Europe). These 2 formats differed by their refresh rates, threescore versus fifty Hertz, and consoles and games that were manufactured for PAL markets used the CPU and GPU at lower frequencies.[18]
The introduction of real-time polygonal 3D graphics rendering in the early on 1990s—non but an innovation in video games for consoles just in arcade and personal computer games—led to the development of GPUs that were capable of performing the floating-point calculations needed for real-fourth dimension 3D rendering. In contrast to the CPU, modern GPUs for consoles and computers, principally made by AMD and NVidia, are highly parallel calculating devices with a number of compute units/streaming multiprocessors (depending on vendor, respectively) within a single flake. Each compute unit/microprocessor contains a scheduler, a number of subprocessing units, memory cashes and buffers, and dispatching and collecting units which besides may be highly parallel in nature. Modernistic console GPUs can be run at a different frequency from the CPU, even at variable frequencies to increases its processing power at the cost of higher energy draw.[19] The functioning of GPUs in consoles tin can be estimated through floating-bespeak operations per second (FLOPS) and more than unremarkably as in teraflops (TFLOPS = ten12 FLOPS). However, particularly for consoles, this is considered a crude number every bit several other factors such as the CPU, memory bandwidth, and console architecture tin impact the GPU'south true performance.[20]
Boosted processors used to handle other dedicated functions on the console. Many early consoles characteristic an audio coprocessor for case.
The processor unit that, outside of the CPU and GPU, typically manages the fastest processing elements on the computer. Typically this involves communication of data between the CPU, the GPU, and the on-board RAM, and afterwards sending and receiving information with the southbridge.
The counterpart of the northbridge, the southbridge is the processing unit that handles slower processing components of the console, typically those of input/output (I/O) with some internal storage and other connected devices like controllers.
The console'due south BIOS (Basic Input/Output Organisation) is the key education prepare baked into a firmware chip on the console excursion board that the console uses when information technology is starting time turned on to direct operations. In older consoles, prior to the introduction of onboard storage, the BIOS effectively served as the console'south operating arrangement, while in modern consoles, the BIOS is used to straight loading of the console's operating system off internal retentivity.
Random-access memory (RAM)
Retentiveness storage that is designed for fast reading and writing, often used in consoles to store large amounts of data about a game while it is beingness played to avoid reading from the slower game media. RAM memory typically does not sustain itself after the panel is powered off. Besides the amount of RAM available, a cardinal measurement of functioning for consoles is the RAM'southward bandwidth, how fast in terms of bytes per 2d that the RAM tin be written and read from. This is information that must be transferred to and from the CPU and GPU quickly as needed without requiring these fries to need high memory caches themselves.
Internal storage
Newer consoles have included internal storage devices, such every bit flash memory, difficult deejay drives (HDD) and solid-land drives (SSD), to save data persistently. Early application of internal storage was for saving game states, and more recently tin be used to store the panel's operating system, game patches and updates, games downloaded through the Internet, boosted content for those games, and additional media such as purchased movies and music. Near consoles provide the means to manage the data on this storage while respecting the copyrights on the system. Newer consoles, such as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series Ten, utilise high-speed SSD's non merely for storage simply to augment the console's RAM, as the combination of their I/O speeds and the apply of decompression routines build into the system software give overall read speeds that approach that of the onboard RAM.[21]
Power supply
Besides converting Air conditioning power from a wall socket to the DC power needed past the panel electronics, the ability supply also helps to regulate that power in cases of power surges. Some consoles power supplies are built into the unit, and so that the consumer plugs the unit of measurement directly to a wall socket, but more frequently, the console ships with an Air conditioning adapter, colloquially known as a "power brick", that converts the ability exterior of the unit. On handheld units the ability supply will either be from a battery compartment, or optionally from a directly power connection from an AC adapter, or from a rechargeable battery pack built into the unit.
Cooling systems
More than advanced computing systems generate heat, and crave active cooling systems to continue the hardware at rubber operating temperatures. Many newer consoles are designed with cooling fans, engineered cooling fins, internal layouts, and strategically-placed vents on the casing to clinch good convective heat transfer for keeping the internal components absurd.
Media reader
Since the introduction of game cartridges, nearly all consoles have a cartridge port/reader or an optical drive for game media. In the latter console generations, some panel revisions have offered options without a media reader every bit a ways to reduce the console's cost and letting the consumer rely on digital distribution for game acquisition, such as with the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition or the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition.
All consoles are enclosed in a example to protect the electronics from damage and to constrain the air flow for cooling.
Input/output ports
Ports for connecting power, controllers, televisions or video monitors, external storage devices, Cyberspace connectivity, and other features are placed in strategic locations on the console. Controller connections are typically offered on the front of the panel, while power and about other connections are ordinarily found on the back to keep cables out of the fashion.

Controllers [edit]

All game consoles require player input through a game controller to provide a method to motion the player character in a specific direction and a variation of buttons to perform other in-game actions such every bit jumping or interacting with the game world.[22] Though controllers have become more featured over the years, they all the same provide less command over a game compared to personal computers or mobile gaming.[23] The type of controller bachelor to a game can fundamentally change the style of how a console game will or can exist played.[24] [25] [26] Nonetheless, this has also inspired changes in game pattern to create games that accommodate for the comparatively express controls available on consoles.[27]

Controllers have come up in a variety of styles over the history of consoles. Some common types include:

A unit with a single knob or dial and usually i or 2 buttons. Turning the knob typically allows one to move an on-screen object along one axis (such as the paddle in a table tennis game), while the buttons can accept additional features.
A unit that has a long handle that tin can pivot freely along multiple directions along with one or more buttons. The unit senses the direction that the joystick is pushed, allowing for simultaneous motion in two directions within a game.
A unit of measurement that contains a variety of buttons, triggers, and directional controls - either D-pads or analog sticks or both. These accept become the about common type of controller since the third generation of console hardware, with designs becoming more than detailed to requite a larger assortment of buttons and directional controls to player'southward while maintaining ergonomic features.

Numerous other controller types exist, including those that support motion controls, touchscreen support on handhelds and some consoles, and specialized controllers for specific types of games, such every bit racing wheels for racing games, light guns for shooting games, and musical musical instrument controllers for rhythm games. Some newer consoles as well include optional support for mouse and keyboard devices.

A controller may be attached through a wired connexion onto the console itself, or in some unique cases like the Famicom hardwired to the console, or with a wireless connection. Controllers require power, either provided by the console via the wired connection, or from batteries or a rechargeable bombardment pack for wireless connections. Controllers are nominally built into a handheld unit, though some newer ones permit for separate wireless controllers to also be used.

The Magnavox Odyssey dual-paddle controller

The Atari CX40 joystick

The Nintendo Entertainment System gamepad with a single D-pad and two buttons

A modern controller, the DualSense for the Sony PlayStation 5, with multiple directional controls and buttons

Game media [edit]

While the first game consoles were defended game systems, with the games programmed into the console'due south hardware, the Fairchild Channel F introduced the power to store games in a course divide from the panel's internal circuitry, thus allowing the consumer to purchase new games to play on the system. Since the Channel F, nearly all game consoles have featured the ability to purchase and bandy games through some course, through those forms have changes with improvements in technology.

ROM cartridge or game cartridge
The Read-just Retentivity (ROM) cartridge was introduced with the Fairchild Channel F. A ROM cartridge consist of a printed excursion board (PCB) housed inside of a plastic casing, with a connector assuasive the device to interface with the console. The circuit board can contain a broad diversity of components, at the minimum, the read-only retention with the software written on it. Later cartridges were able to introduce boosted components onto the circuit board like coprocessors, such as Nintendo's SuperFX chip, to enhance the performance of the console.[28] Some consoles such as the Turbografx-16 used a smart card-similar technology to flatten the cartridge to a credit-carte du jour-sized system, which helped to reduce product costs, but limited additional features that could exist included onto the circuitry.[29] PCB-based cartridges waned with the introduction of optical media during the 5th generation of consoles. More recently, ROM cartridges have been based on high retentiveness density, depression price flash retentivity, which allows for easier mass product of games. Sony used this approach for the PlayStation Vita,[xxx] and Nintendo continues to use ROM cartridges for its 3DS and Switch products.
Optical media
Optical media, such as CD-ROM, DVD, and Blu-ray, became the master format for retail distribution with the fifth generation. The CD-ROM format had gained popularity in the 1990s, in the midst of the fourth generation, and every bit a game media, CD-ROMs were cheaper and faster to produce, offered much more than storage infinite and allowed for the potential of full-motion video.[31] Several console manufacturers attempted to offer CD-ROM add-ons to quaternary generation consoles, just these were nearly as expensive as the consoles themselves and did not fare well. Instead, the CD-ROM format became integrated into consoles of the fifth generation, with the DVD format present beyond most by the seventh generation and Blu-ray past the eighth. Console manufacturers take besides used proprietary disc formats for re-create protection besides, such as the Nintendo optical disc used on the GameCube, and Sony'south Universal Media Disc on the PlayStation Portable.
Digital distribution
Since the seventh generation of consoles, most consoles include integrated connectivity to the Net and both internal and external storage for the panel, allowing for players to acquire new games without game media. All iii of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft offering an integrated storefront for consumers to buy new games and download them to their panel, retaining the consumers' purchases across different consoles, and offer sales and incentives at times.
Cloud gaming
Every bit Internet access speeds improved throughout the eighth generation of consoles, cloud gaming had gained further attention every bit a media format. Instead of downloading games, the consumer plays them directly from a cloud gaming service with inputs performed on the local console sent through the Cyberspace to the server with the rendered graphics and audio sent back. Latency in network transmission remains a core limitation for cloud gaming at the present time.

While magnetic storage, such as record drives and floppy disks, had been popular for software distribution with early personal computers in the 1980s and 1990s, this format did not run into much apply in console organization. There were some attempts, such as the Bally Astrocade and APF-M1000 using record drives, besides as the Deejay System for the Nintendo Famicom,[32] and the Nintendo 64DD for the Nintendo 64, but these had limited applications, as magnetic media was more fragile and volatile than game cartridges.[33]

A Fairchild Channel F cartridge, exposing the excursion contacts on the PCB

A Nintendo Wii optical disc

Mobile device running deject game on Stadia with official controller

External storage [edit]

A PlayStation memory card

In add-on to congenital-in internal storage, newer consoles often give the consumer the power to use external storage media to salvage game engagement, downloaded games, or other media files from the console. Early iterations of external storage were achieved through the use of flash-based retentivity cards, first used by the Neo Geo but popularized with the PlayStation. Nintendo continues to support this arroyo with extending the storage capabilities of the 3DS and Switch, standardizing on the current SD card format. As consoles began incorporating the use of USB ports, back up for USB external hard drives was also added, such every bit with the Xbox 360.

Online services [edit]

With Cyberspace-enabled consoles, console manufacturers offer both free and paid-subscription services that provide value-added services atop the basic functions of the panel. Free services generally offer user identity services and access to a digital storefront, while paid services permit players to play online games, interact with other uses through social networking, apply cloud saves for supported games, and gain access to gratuitous titles on a rotating basis. Examples of such services include the Xbox network, PlayStation Network, and Nintendo Switch Online.

Console add-ons [edit]

Sure consoles saw various add-ons or accessories that were designed to adhere to the existing console to extend its functionality. The best example of this was through the diverse CD-ROM add-ons for consoles of the quaternary generation such as the TurboGrafx CD, Atari Jaguar CD, and the Sega CD. Other examples of add-ons include the 32X for the Sega Genesis intended to allow owners of the aging console to play newer games but has several technical faults, and the Game Boy Player for the GameCube to permit information technology to play Game Boy games.

Accessories [edit]

Consumers tin can ofttimes buy a range of accessories for consoles exterior of the in a higher place categories. These can include:

Video camera
While these can be used with Internet-connected consoles similar webcams for advice with other friends as they would exist used on personal computers, video camera applications on consoles are more commonly used in augmented reality/mixed reality and movement sensing games. Devices similar the EyeToy for PlayStation consoles and the Kinect for Xbox consoles were center-points for a range of games to support these devices on their corresponding systems.
Standard Headsets
Headsets provide a combination of headphones and a microphone for chatting with other players without disturbing others nearby in the same room.
Virtual reality headsets
Some virtual reality (VR) headsets can operate independently of consoles or use personal computers for their primary processing system. As of 2020[update], the only straight VR back up on consoles is the PlayStation VR, though back up for VR on other consoles is planned by the other manufacturers.
Docking station
For handheld systems every bit well every bit hybrids such as the Nintendo Switch, the docking station makes information technology easy to insert a handheld to recharge its bombardment, and if supported, for connecting the handheld to a television screen.

Kinect for Xbox One

PlayStation Wireless Stereo Headset

Virtual reality headset PlayStation VR

Docking station for Nintendo Switch

Game development for consoles [edit]

Panel development kits [edit]

Console or game development kits are specialized hardware units that typically include the same components as the panel and boosted chips and components to allow the unit of measurement to be connected to a computer or other monitoring device for debugging purposes. A console manufacturer will make the console's dev kit available to registered developers months alee of the panel'southward planned launch to give developers fourth dimension to prepare their games for the new system. These initial kits will usually exist offered under special confidentiality clauses to protect trade secrets of the console's design, and will be sold at a high cost to the developer every bit part of keeping this confidentiality.[14] Newer consoles that share features in common with personal computers may no longer use specialized dev kits, though developers are still expected to register and buy admission to software development kits from the manufacturer. For example, any consumer Xbox One can exist used for game development later paying a fee to Microsoft to annals one intent to do and so.[34]

Licensing [edit]

Since the release of the Nintendo Famicom / Nintendo Amusement System, almost video game console manufacturers use a strict licensing scheme that limit what games can be developed for it. Developers and their publishers must pay a fee, typically based on royalty per unit sold, back to the manufacturer. The price varies by manufacturer just was estimated to be about United states of america$3−10 per unit of measurement in 2012. With additional fees, such as branding rights, this has more often than not worked out to exist an manufacture-wide xxx% royalty rate paid to the console manufacturer for every game sold.[35] [36] This is in addition to the cost of acquiring the dev kit to develop for the arrangement.

The licensing fee may be collected in a few dissimilar ways. In the case of Nintendo, the company generally has controlled the product of game cartridges with its lockout chips and optical media for its systems, and thus charges the developer or publisher for each re-create it makes as an upfront fee. This likewise allows Nintendo to review the game's content prior to release and veto games it does non believe appropriate to include on its system. This had led to over 700 unlicensed games for the NES,[37] and numerous others on other Nintendo cartridge-based systems that had institute ways to featherbed the hardware lockout chips and sell without paying whatsoever royalties to Nintendo, such as by Atari in its subsidiary company Tengen.[38] This licensing approach was similarly used past about other cartridge-based console manufacturers using lockout chip technology.[39]

With optical media, where the console manufacturer may not accept direct control on the production of the media, the developer or publisher typically must establish a licensing agreement to gain access to the console's proprietary storage format for the media as well as to utilise the panel and manufacturer's logos and branding for the game's packaging, paid back through royalties on sales.[35] In the transition to digital distribution, where now the console manufacturer runs digital storefronts for games, licenses fees utilise to registering a game for distribution on the storefront - again gaining access to the console's branding and logo - with the manufacturer taking its cut of each sale equally its royalty.[35] In both cases, this nevertheless gives console manufacturers the ability to review and refuse games it believes unsuitable for the organization and deny licensing rights.

With the rise of indie game development, the major console manufacturers have all developed entry level routes for these smaller developers to be able to publish onto consoles at far lower costs and reduced royalty rates. Programs like Microsoft's ID@Xbox give developers near of the needed tools for gratuitous after validating the small evolution size and needs of the team.[twoscore]

Like licensing concepts use for third-political party accessory manufacturers.[35]

Emulation and astern compatibility [edit]

Consoles, similar about consumer electronic devices, have express lifespans. There is great interest in preservation of older console hardware for archival and historical purposes, as games from older consoles, as well as arcade and personal computers, remain of interest. Computer programmers and hackers have developed emulators that tin can be run on personal computers or other consoles that simulate the hardware of older consoles that allow games from that console to be run. The development of software emulators of console hardware is established to be legal, but there are unanswered legal questions surrounding copyrights, including acquiring a panel's firmware and copies of a game'southward ROM image, which laws such as the U.s.' Digital Millennium Copyright Deed make illegal salve for certain archival purposes.[41] Even though emulation itself is legal, Nintendo is recognized to be highly protective of any attempts to emulate its systems and has taken early on legal actions to shut down such projects.[42]

To assistance support older games and console transitions, manufacturers started to support backward compatibility on consoles in the aforementioned family unit. Sony was the offset to practise this on a abode panel with the PlayStation 2 which was able to play original PlayStation content, and subsequently became a sought-after feature across many consoles that followed.[43] Backward compatibility functionality has included direct support for previous console games on the newer consoles such as within the Xbox console family unit,[44] the distribution of emulated games such as Nintendo's Virtual Panel, or using cloud gaming services for these older games as with the PlayStation Now service.

Market [edit]

Distribution [edit]

Consoles may exist shipped in a variety of configurations, but typically volition include 1 base of operations configuration that include the panel, ane controller, and sometimes a pack-in game. Manufacturers may offer alternating stock keeping unit (SKUs) options that include boosted controllers and accessories or different pack-in games. Special console editions may feature unique cases or faceplates with art dedicated to a specific video game or series and are arranged with that game as a special incentive for its fans. Pack-in games are typically first-party games, often featuring the console's primary mascot characters.[45]

The more recent console generations have besides seen multiple versions of the same base console system either offered at launch or presented as a mid-generation refresh. In some cases, these simply supercede some parts of the hardware with cheaper or more efficient parts, or otherwise streamline the panel'southward design for production going forward; the PlayStation 3 underwent several such hardware refreshes during its lifetime due to technological improvements such equally significant reduction of the process node size for the CPU and GPU.[46] In these cases, the hardware revision model volition be marked on packaging so that consumers can verify which version they are acquiring.[47]

In other cases, the hardware changes create multiple lines within the aforementioned panel family. The base of operations console unit in all revisions share fundamental hardware, but options like internal storage space and RAM size may be different. Those systems with more than storage and RAM would be marked every bit a higher performance variant bachelor at a higher cost, while the original unit would remain equally a budget option. For case, within the Xbox One family, Microsoft released the mid-generation Xbox One Ten as a college performance console, the Xbox One S every bit the lower-price base of operations console, and a special Xbox One S All-Digital Edition revision that removed the optical drive on the basis that users could download all games digitally, offered at even a lower cost than the Xbox Ane S. In these cases, developers tin often optimize games to work better on the higher-operation panel with patches to the retail version of the game.[48] In the case of the Nintendo 3DS, the New Nintendo 3DS, featured upgraded memory and processors, with new games that could only be run on the upgraded units and cannot exist run on an older base of operations unit of measurement.[49] There take as well been a number of "slimmed-down" console options with significantly reduced hardware components that significantly reduced the cost they could sell the console to the consumer, merely either leaving certain features off the console, such as the Wii Mini that lacked whatever online components compared to the Wii, or that required the consumer to purchase boosted accessories and wiring if they did non already own it, such every bit the New-Style NES that was not bundled with the required RF hardware to connect to a idiot box.[50]

Pricing [edit]

Console release prices (in U.S. Dollars) and total sales[51] [52]
Console Release year (U.Due south.) Introductory toll (U.S.) Global Sales (Units)
Originally[annotation 1] 2020 inflation[note 2]
Starting time generation
Magnavox Odyssey 1972 $100 $553 350,000[53]
Second generation
Atari 2600 1977 $200 $882 30,000,000
Intellivision 1979 $300 $996 3,000,000
Atari 5200 1982 $270 $740 ane,400,000
Colecovision 1982 $175 $480 2,000,000
Tertiary generation
NES 1985 $200 $490 61,900,000
Atari 7800 1984 $150 $380 iii,770,000
Master System 1986 $200 $470 13,000,000
Game Male child 1989 $110 $234 118,690,000
Fourth generation
TurboGrafx-16 1989 $200 $426 5,800,000
Genesis 1989 $190 $405 30,750,000
SNES 1991 $200 $384 49,100,000
CD-I 1991 $400 $768 ane,000,000
Neo Geo 1991 $650 $1248 980,000
Sega CD 1992 $300 $561 2,240,000
Fifth generation
Atari Jaguar 1993 $250 $453 250,000
3DO 1993 $700 $1267 two,000,000
32X 1994 $160 $282 665,000
PlayStation 1995 $300 $516 102,490,000
Sega Saturn 1995 $400 $688 9,260,000
Nintendo 64 1996 $200 $334 32,390,000
6th generation
Dreamcast 1999 $200 $314 9,130,000
PlayStation ii 2000 $300 $459 155,000,000
GameCube 2001 $200 $294 21,740,000
Xbox 2001 $300 $441 24,000,000
Game Boy Advance 2001 $100 $147 118,690,000
N-Gage 2003 $300 $416 3,000,000
Seventh generation
Nintendo DS 2004 $200 $278 154,020,000
PlayStation Portable 2004 $250 $348 82,000,000
Xbox 360 2005 $400 $540 84,700,000
PlayStation 3 2006 $500 $780 87,400,000
Wii 2006 $250 $326 101,630,000
Eighth generation
Nintendo 3DS 2011 $250 $293 75,280,000
PlayStation Vita 2012 $250 $293 15,900,000
Wii U 2012 $350 $399 13,560,000
PlayStation four 2013 $400 $448 116,900,000[note iii]
Xbox Ane 2013 $500 $560 51,000,000 (Approximate)
Nintendo Switch 2017 $300 $318 103,540,000[note 3]
PlayStation v 2020 $400 / $500 $400 / $500 17,300,000[note three]
Xbox Series X/S 2020 $300 / $500 $300 / $500 12,000,000 (Estimate) [note 3] [note iv]
Handheld units are shown in blueish.
  1. ^ Based on pricing of base model at launch within the United States
  2. ^ Based on the Agency of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index
  3. ^ a b c d Still in production
  4. ^ Microsoft does not written report exact sales for its consoles since the Xbox 1, and sales are based industry estimates.[54] [55]

Consoles when originally launched in the 1970s and 1980s were about U.s.$200−300,[51] and with the introduction of the ROM cartridge, each game averaged nigh US$30−40.[56] Over fourth dimension the launch toll of base consoles units has generally risen to most US$400−500,[51] with the average game costing Usa$60.[56] Uncommonly, the period of transition from ROM cartridges to optical media in the early 1990s saw several consoles with high price points exceeding US$400 and going as high as US$700. Resultingly, sales of these commencement optical media consoles were by and large poor.[51]

When adapted for aggrandizement, the price of consoles has generally followed a downward trend, from US$800−ane,000 from the early generations down to US$500−600 for current consoles. This is typical for any computer engineering, with the improvements in computing performance and capabilities outpacing the additional costs to attain those gains.[51] Further, within the United States, the price of consoles has by and large remained consistent, being within 0.viii% to 1% of the median household income, based on the United States Demography data for the console's launch year.[51]

Since the Nintendo Entertainment System, console pricing has stabilized on the razorblade model, where the consoles are sold at little to no profit for the manufacturer, but they proceeds acquirement from each game sold due to panel licensing fees and other value-added services around the console (such as Xbox Live).[42] [57] [58] Panel manufacturers accept even been known to take losses on the sale of consoles at the offset of a panel'southward launch with expectation to recover with revenue sharing and subsequently price recovery on the console every bit they switch to less expensive components and manufacturing processes without changing the retail price.[59] Consoles have been generally designed to have a 5-year production lifetime, though manufacturers accept considered their entries in the more than recent generations to have longer lifetimes of seven to potentially ten years.[60]

Competition [edit]

The contest within the video game panel market every bit subset of the video game manufacture is an area of interest to economics with its relatively mod history, its rapid growth to rival that of the motion-picture show industry, and frequent changes compared to other sectors.[52] [12]

Effects of unregulated contest on the market were twice seen early in the manufacture. The industry had its first crash in 1977 following the release of the Magnavox Odyssey, Atari'southward home versions of Pong and the Coleco Telstar, which led other third-party manufacturers, using cheap General Instruments processor fries, to make their own home consoles which flooded the marketplace past 1977.[61] : 81–89 The video game crash of 1983 was fueled past multiple factors including competition from lower-cost personal computers, but unregulated contest was also a factor, every bit numerous tertiary-party game developers, attempting to follow on the success of Activision in developing third-party games for the Atari 2600 and Intellivision, flooded the market place with poor quality games, and made it difficult for even quality games to sell.[62] Nintendo implemented a lockout scrap, the Checking Integrated Circuit, on releasing the Nintendo Entertainment System in Western territories, as a ways to control which games were published for the console. As office of their licensing agreements, Nintendo farther prevented developers from releasing the same game on a different panel for a period of two years. This served as i of the first means of securing panel exclusivity for games that existed beyond technical limitation of console development.[63]

The Nintendo Entertainment Organization also brought the concept of a video game mascot as the representation of a panel system as a means to sell and promote the unit of measurement, and for the NES was Mario. The use of mascots in businesses had been a tradition in Japan, and this had already proven successful in arcade games like Pac-Man. Mario was used to serve as an identity for the NES as a humor-filled, playful console.[45] [64] Mario caught on quickly when the NES released in the Westward, and when the side by side generation of consoles arrived, other manufacturers pushed their own mascots to the forefront of their marketing, most notably Sega with the use of Sonic the Hedgehog.[65] The Nintendo and Sega rivalry that involved their mascot'southward flagship games served as part of the fourth console generation's "console wars". Since then, manufacturers have typically positioned their mascot and other first-political party games equally key titles in console bundles used to drive sales of consoles at launch or at key sales periods such as well-nigh Christmas.[45]

Another blazon of competitive edge used past console manufacturers around the same fourth dimension was the notion of "bits" or the size of the word used by the main CPU. The TurboGrafx-16 was the first console to push on its bit-size, ad itself as a "xvi-fleck" console, though this but referred to part of its architecture while its CPU was even so an 8-flake unit. Despite this, manufacturers establish consumers became fixated on the notion of bits as a console selling betoken, and over the fourth, fifth and sixth generation, these "bit wars" played heavily into console advert.[11] The use of $.25 waned as CPU architectures no longer needed to increase their discussion size and instead had other means to improve performance such as through multicore CPUs.[11]

Generally, increased console numbers gives rise to more consumer options and better competition, just the exclusivity of titles made the choice of console for consumers an "all-or-nothing" determination for near.[12] Farther, with the number of available consoles growing with the 5th and 6th generations, game developers became pressured to which systems to focus on, and ultimately narrowed their target choice of platforms to those that were the best-selling. This cased a wrinkle in the market, with major players like Sega leaving the hardware concern after the Dreamcast but continuing in the software area.[52] Effectively, each console generation was shown to have two or three dominant players.[12]

Competition in the console marketplace in the 2010s and 2020s is considered an oligarchy betwixt iii main manufacturers: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. The three use a combination of commencement-party games exclusive to their panel and negotiate exclusive agreements with third-political party developers to take their games be exclusive for at to the lowest degree an initial catamenia of time to drive consumers to their panel. They also worked with CPU and GPU manufacturers to tune and customize hardware for computers to make it more acquiescent and effective for video games, leading to lower-cost hardware needed for video game consoles. Finally, console manufacturers also work with retailers to assistance with promotion of consoles, games, and accessories. While at that place is piffling difference in pricing on the panel hardware from the manufacturer's suggested retail price for the retailer to turn a profit from, these details with the manufacturers tin secure amend profits on sales of game and accompaniment bundles for premier production placement.[52] These all form network effects, with each manufacturer seeking to maximize the size of their network of partners to increase their overall position in the competition.[12]

Of the three, Microsoft and Sony, both with their own hardware manufacturing capabilities, remain at a leading edge approach, attempting to proceeds a first-mover advantage over the other with adaption of new console technology.[52] Nintendo is more than reliant on its suppliers and thus instead of trying to compete feature for feature with Microsoft and Sony, had instead taken a "blue sea" strategy since the Nintendo DS and Wii.[66]

See also [edit]

  • Unlockable game
  • Video game clone

Further reading [edit]

  • Forster, Winnie (2005). The Encyclopedia of Game Machines – Consoles, handheld & home computers 1972–2005. Gameplan. ISBN3-00-015359-4. Archived from the original on March 7, 2007.

References [edit]

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External links [edit]

  • Console platforms at Curlie


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